Over the past decade, the use of internet has increased and is still increasing with a greatly. There is nothing that a person cannot find on the internet. From videos to games to books and much more. No matter what information you need, just one click on the search option and it is available to you within seconds. It is had lead to the rise of online blogs. There are blogs for everything from your daily fashion and makeup fixes to cooking and fitness, from discussions about the world politics to complex rocket science. There are people writing blogs in all the categories.
This increase in the number of blogs has to lead to the availability of similar information all over the internet. The blogs that have similar themes sometimes start looking same and need something to make them stand out.
Online Blog
Reason For The Blogs To Stand Out With A Unique Number!
Blog should be acknowledged as unique
The reason for the blogs to stand out is that the content available in every blog should be acknowledged as unique. There is a lot of plagiarism and copying that happens, and the bloggers are not able to take any action against the people that have stolen their content. Although the content that you publish on the internet is unique and you have all the copyrights to it, keeping it away from such activities is hard. Hence the unique numbers that would be used to identify your blog would give another proof that a particular author has written the blog.
Another advantage of the blog to have a unique number is that the people do not have to know the details of every blog they like to read, knowing just a number can let them access all the information they like about a particular author’s blog. Additionally like having a unique number for the books makes it availability easier, having a unique number for the blogs will also make the availability easier and the users will be able to find and share the details of the blogs easily.
The unique numbers on the blogs will also help in maintaining a database of all the information that is available on a particular topic on the internet. It will again make it easier for the people to access information.
Original Content Blogs
The site holders can get proof that the blog belongs to them univocally and any content that is a part of it is their property. So this will help the original content blogs to stand out amongst the others since the blogger can easily put the unique blog identification number at the end of each blog. It will also let the readers know what content is unique and what has been stolen and copied from some other person.
All in all having a unique identification number for the blogs is extremely important and should be supported by the authorities.
Blogging has become as important as other written work that is published for the people to read and having a unique identity for the work is a necessity.