How This Initiative Can Improve Research Referencing
The Internet is the most used technological advancement in today’s time. Everything runs on the internet. Everything can be found on the internet. It connects the world and lets the people share different cultures, lifestyles, knowledge and much more. Blogging and blogs have emerged over the last decade and have become increasingly famous. Blogging has somehow become like publishing a short book or a magazine.
People all over the world read blogs of some kind or other. There are blogs about every topic. Blogs have become very famous, and many readers religiously read them, and people tend to publish their original contents on them. Therefore, it is important for them to have a unique identity.
What is a Blog?
What Is A Blog?
A blog is an informational website or a discussion forum where people write their thoughts and share their experiences or work with the rest of the world. A blog can also be called a personal journal that is visible to the whole world. It is regularly updated with new information and can also serve as a platform for discussions and exchange of ideas. The person who the blog belongs to or has the right to the blog is known as the blogger. The bloggers are supposed to put original written content into their blogs for the readers to read. The activity of maintaining and posting on the blogs is called blogging. Initially, the concept of blogs was designed for the people to write about their day to day lives and their personal experiences. But today blogging has gotten to a new level where people have started writing about a lot of informative things.
What Is Internet Blog Serial Number (IBSN)?
As mentioned above, a blog is a place where the blogger posts their original content for the people to read. The original content can be anything from art to poetry to short stories and whatnot.
An Internet Blog Serial Number is a unique number given to each blog that lets them have the univocal rights on their content. Just like there is ISBN for the books and ISSN for the periodicals, IBSN is for the blogs. There are lots of countries that do not give ISSN number to the published web content and after the rejection of the Spanish government to provide this number to the bloggers, a team of bloggers created their identification number distributing portal. The project started in 2006 and has been open free to all the bloggers all over the world.
People can quickly log on to their official website and generate their ten digit IBSN number. The best thing is that the people can choose what numbers they want. However if somehow the number you want is taken, the website will show the next best number. You can also generate a barcode and download the picture of the IBSN number to post it on your blog.
Does It Improve Research Refining?
Yes! Having an IBSN or Internet Blog Serial Number does improve research refining to great extents. The bloggers do not have to share all the information about their blogs to the people. All they have to do is give a ten digit number, and people can easily access their blogs. Moreover, if a person takes some information from the blog and wants to give credits, all he needs to do is put the number on his article instead of the whole details on the blog. Additionally, for a person looking for information, entering the right IBSN code can lead him to the required blog with all the necessary information that he needs.
There are a lot of people that steal work from various, blogs and put it on theirs to earn a profit. Having an IBSN can put a stop to that to a great extent. Just like the books have a unique identification number that lets the publishers, librarians, and the sellers identify them, having a single number for the blogs can also help identify them. Additionally, a portal can be developed to determine the number times the blog is being accessed, and this can help the bloggers earn money from it.
The initiative of getting a unique number for the blogs is very innovative and important. Since the blogs have become as important as any book or magazine, it is high time that the authorities acted on giving an official nod to the IBSN.